Yes, there's a real dancer behind all this

Hi there,

I'm Julie, or some of you may know me by my dance name, Mira.

I'm sick and tired of watching talented, generous dancers quit the business because it's too hard to make a buck! Making money isn't some closely guarded secret. It's a skill, and it's not difficult to learn.

Remember when you were a baby dancer and shimmies or rib circles or (insert favorite hard move here) seemed impossible? But once you developed the skills needed to perform the move, it was easy, right?

I created The Belly Dance Business Academy to help you learn the marketing and sales skills necessary to run a successful belly dance business. Whether you're a teacher or a dancer on the club circuit, you're going to be amazed how simple it is to apply basic marketing techniques to your own business and watch your success blossom.

I've been a professional belly dancer (spent my college years doing private parties and 'grams for a living,) I've been a company Artistic Director, show producer, costume designer, and teacher (a little of everything for over 20 years now--yikes! not sure I wanted to admit that :D ) I'm also a professional marketing consultant and have developed systems that will help you build your dance business to whatever level you want.

Now, I know there are professionals and teachers out there who aren't into making money. They just want to share their joy of movement with a few friends and put on a show now and then. If that's you, Great! You're also in the right place.

You still need to attract and retain students.
You still need to advertise your shows.
You still need to know the stuff we're going to talk about here.

This site is all about you and your success. Please feel free to email with questions, suggestions, comments and thoughts. This little website is still in its infancy, but we have great big plans for making it into your one-stop success site, no matter what aspect of the business you're in.

So, dive in -- the water's fine.