You know what you're selling (holes, not drills...see part one) and You know who you're selling to (oil drillers, not sheet metal drillers...see part two)

So, how the heck do you get them to buy? Here's how--

Step 1) You show your target audience that you understand their unique problem.

Step 2) Demonstrate your unique solution to the problem.

Step 3) Prove that your solution has worked for others with the same problem.

Here's the scenario: You're a tribal teacher in a sea of glittery cabaret. Your target market is women who are more interested in being part of a close-knit community than becoming professional performers. So, your marketing needs to first empathize with these women. "Tired of being plugged-in? Remember when you interacted with people instead of computers? When was the last time you had a real grown-up girl's night out?" These statements are appealing to working women who spend all day typing at people (rather than interacting with them.) They could also appeal to stay-at-home moms who desperately need some grown-up interaction. You're showing you understand the problem--isolation brought on by too much technology; a longing for meaningful connection with real women.

So what's your solution? "Become part of the tribe! Bring your old friends, make some new friends and spend some quality time together. Tribal belly dance is all about laughing, sharing and collaborating. Exercise with a higher purpose--Fun!" Explain your solution (tribal belly dance classes) but focus on the benefits to the prospect (community and fun.) It's the old writing adage--Show, Don't Tell. Rather than saying "I teach tribal style classes for all fitness levels Mondays at 8pm." Be inviting, be personal. Say "Come join Pam, Wendy, Beth and the whole crazy crew Mondays at 8 for our beginner-level Tribal class. You'll laugh; you'll sweat; best of all, you'll make friends..."

Finally, you must prove your solution. Overcome the objections springing up in the prospect's mind. Is it really fun? (show photos of women laughing together) Am I too out-of-shape? (print a testimonial from a student who thought she couldn't do it, but joined anyway and became more fit) Is it hard to do? (show a video clip of a simple circle dance or a demonstration of an easy move. Show them they can do it.) Make a list of all the reasons someone might come up with for not joining the class. Then shoot them down one by one with proof in the form of photos, audio, video and text.

Step 4) Here's a bonus step for you--Remove All Risk. There's a reason companies offer money-back guarantees--they take away that last objection "what if I don't like it?" You never want someone to feel they're stuck doing something they don't enjoy just because they paid for it. Not only does it bring down the whole class, but that person can become negative advertising. Anytime someone mentions belly dance, she might say "oh, I tried it and hated it!" But if you remove the risk with a simple "100% You'll-have-a-great-time-or-the-class-is-free" guarantee (and you stick by it!) then they may say something like "I tried it, and it wasn't for me. But this one teacher gave me my money back, so there's no reason not to give the class a try."

This is the thing about guarantees--you'll almost never have someone ask for their money back. I've had it happen three times in 20 years of teaching. Each time the fit between student and teacher just wasn't right, and I was happy to refer them to a teacher they may enjoy more.

The bottom line is this--make it all about them. Every web page, every flyer, every video--think about what the viewer needs to see, hear or read to buy from you. They don't really care how many years you've been teaching or what masters you've studied under. They do care about all the ways they will benefit from your years of experience and continuing study with the masters. You're giving out the same information, but in a way that's meaningful to the prospect. That's the way to make a sale.

Understand the problem, offer a solution, prove that your solution is the best--then guarantee it.